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Date Date: 2019.10.17-2018.10.18
Next date: 2019.10--2019.10
Interval: every year
Venue Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Venue: Palace of Culture & Science
Event Website:
Visitor: trade visitors:
Industry: Advertising, Marketing, Business Administration ~ Retail/Wholesale Business, Distribution, Franchising
Description Polish Franchise Expo The largest franchise trade show in central and eastern Europe Franchising companies appear year after year and present themselves at exhibitions.For franchisees, it's the only time they've seen so many companies license in one place. - we've been on display at these fairs for years, and in the coming months, that always translates into the opening of new venues.The merits of the event are also that coming here nieprzypadkowi people are genuinely interested in businesses buying permits, so the conversation is very specific - say vojcech Godu ski, owner Wojtex, the company owns the brand Biesiadowo, western chicken Rybkodajnia, western tortilla, Cofeelofee and Mangatto. Over the course of three days, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to conduct dozens of interviews, and based on those interviews, they will decide on the best partner to choose.The representative of an applicant to the franchisee understands which concepts guaranteed to be offered to the marketplace are successful in individual conversations, what investments are required, and what support can be counted as the amount of money an entrepreneur decides to make with the franchise.With this, prospective franchisees can compare rival concepts and choose the best business idea for themselves.
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Net exhibition space
12019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 22019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 32019 Shanghai baking exhibition 4Shanghai nutrition and health food exhibition 2019 5Shanghai international food and beverage fair 2019 6 International Smart Retail & Unmanned Retail Exhibition 2019 7The 19th China Guangzhou International Food Exhibition & Import Food Exhibition 2019
Exhibitor figures
12019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 22019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 32019 Shanghai baking exhibition 4Shanghai nutrition and health food exhibition 2019 5Shanghai international food and beverage fair 2019 6The100th China Food And Drinks Fair  7APPPEXPO 2019
Visitor figures
1SIGEP 2020 2The 19th China Guangzhou International Food Exhibition & Import Food Exhibition 2019 3 International Smart Retail & Unmanned Retail Exhibition 2019 4GFE 39th Guangzhou (Autumn) Franchise Chain Exhibition  52019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 62019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 72019 Shanghai baking exhibition
Present journalists
1The100th China Food And Drinks Fair  22019 INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE EXHIBITON OF BEIJING 3Shanghai Overseas House Purchasing Investment Immigrant Study Abroad Exhibition 2019 4The China Shanghai Bakery Spring Exhibition 2019 5ASEAN (Bangkok)Vending Machine & Self-service Facilities Expo 2019 6The 2nd China International Artificial Intelligence Retail Industry EXPO 2019 72019The 11th China(xi'an) International Food Expo and slik road special food exhibition