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Date Date: 2019.11-2019.11
Next date: 2019.11--2019.11
Interval: every year
Venue Country: Italy
City: Vicenza
Venue: Fiera di Vicenza
Event Website:
Visitor: trade visitors:
Industry: Food & Beverages, Food Processing ~ Hotel, Restaurant & Catering Business ~ Shop Fitting & Equipment,Display
Description Wine and Food, Catering, Professional Equipment Trade Show. Cosmofood is open to the public and to a refined group of both Italian and foreign specialists The 6th edition of Cosmofood, the primary Exhibition in the Tri Veneto Area, will take place from 11th to 14th November 2018 at Vicenza Fair Center and will be totally dedicated to the excellence of food, beverage, contract, food & drink service, retail, & technology. The fair is both for foodies and national and international business operators in Food Service. This allows exhibitors to get orders, business contacts and, at the same time, to sell products to foodies in a specific Sell Area. The fair is the best way to seep new Markets, to develop new sales networks, to increase the Brand Awareness to a specific public, to receive important orders, to create Networking. Then, the fair is the only concrete moment in which supply and demand come together. At Cosmofood everything is possibile, contact us and we will find out a perfect solution most suited to you. How much interesting is the North Italian Market? How much would it cost to seep the North Italian Market? How much would it cost to contact thousands clients outside my territory? What kind of benefits will my company have if I don’t partecipate in Cosmofood? As for admission request, you can just contact us by e-mail, by fax or by telephone. Once you fill in the admission request we verify if the company fulfils the requirements to become an exhibitor of Cosmofood 2018.
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1France 103 2UK 16 3Japan 13 4Germany 39
Same City Trade ShowsMore
1Chemistry, Rubber, Plastics, Materials 1 2Metals, Metal Products, Hardware, Tools 0 3Testing, Measuring & Analyzing, Precision Mechanics 0 4Packaging (Materials, Machinery & Equipment) 0 5Food & Beverages, Food Processing 1
Net exhibition space
12019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 22019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 32019 Shanghai baking exhibition 4Shanghai nutrition and health food exhibition 2019 5Shanghai international food and beverage fair 2019 6The 19th China Guangzhou International Food Exhibition & Import Food Exhibition 2019 72019Beijing international hotel supplies and catering expo
Exhibitor figures
12019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 22019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 32019 Shanghai baking exhibition 4Shanghai nutrition and health food exhibition 2019 5Shanghai international food and beverage fair 2019 6The100th China Food And Drinks Fair  72019 The 13th National Food Expo and Wine Industry Exhibition 
Visitor figures
1SIGEP 2020 2The 19th China Guangzhou International Food Exhibition & Import Food Exhibition 2019 32019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 42019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 52019 Shanghai baking exhibition 6Shanghai nutrition and health food exhibition 2019 7Shanghai international food and beverage fair 2019
Present journalists
1The100th China Food And Drinks Fair  22019 INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE EXHIBITON OF BEIJING 3The China Shanghai Bakery Spring Exhibition 2019 42019The 11th China(xi'an) International Food Expo and slik road special food exhibition 52019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 62019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 72019 Shanghai baking exhibition