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Date Date: 2019.10.16-2019.10.19
Interval: every year
Venue Country: Moldova
City: Chisinau
Venue: I.E.C. Moldexpo
Event Website:
Visitor: trade visitors
Industry: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery Products
Main product: Fruit and fruit processing, imports of fruit, fruit preservation and post-processing technology and equipment, raw distribution and cold chain storage packaging technology and equipment, raw retail and technical equipment, breeding, seedling, planting tec
Description Agricultural Products. Seeds and Planting Material, Gardening Equipment. Greenhouses. Livestock and Poultry. Fodder, Adds and Premixes The International specialized exhibition-fair of agricultural products, equipment, technologies and crafts FARMER 2018 is an annual event which establishes the development vectors of the agro-industrial sector of Moldova and presents the achievements of the best farms and agricultural enterprises from all regions of the country. The format of the exhibition offers exhibitors an excellent opportunity to find new business partners and expand markets, to establish long-term contacts with financial institutions, industrial enterprises, scientific institutions from Moldova and from abroad. The exhibition is held with the official support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova. In the framework of the exhibition, a number of business activities will take place, their topics formed in accordance with problems, relevant for the agri-industrial sector, also taking in consideration the latest world trends in the development of the industry. Participants of international conferences, seminars, roundtables will navigate the maelstrom of new products in the field, getting acquainted with the directions of market development.
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