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Internationale Weinmesse Innsbruck 2020

Ticket booking Space booking
Date Date: 2020.02-2020.02
Next date: 2019.02.21-2019.02.23
Interval: every year
Venue Country: Austria
City: Innsbruck
Opening hours: 1. day 16:00-21:00 h other days 14:00-20:00 h
Venue: Exhibition Center Innsbruck
Event Website:
Visitor: trade visitors+general public
Industry: Food & Beverages, Food Processing
Main product: Accessories, Cheese, Chocolate, Delicacies, Fruit Juices, Salad Oil, Sausages, Sparkling Wines, Spirits, Storage Technology, Table Decoration, Well-laid Table, Wine
Description The 18th Weinmesse Innsbruck increased the number of visitors with 6% on the previous year and reached a new visitor record with 4860 visitors from 6 nations. From 21.-23. February 2019 the Innsbruck fairgrounds will be the wine Meeting point in tyrol. More than 180 exhibitors from 6 nations are expected to present their noble wines in a pleasant setting. The steadily growing numbers of visitors speak for themselves - after all, visitors increased from 2017 to 2018 by 6%, which led to a new visitor record! High quality, top support and satisfied exhibitors: the wine fair Innsbruck takes place again from 21.-23. February 2019.
Same Industry Trade ShowsMore
1China 118 2Serbia 7 3Italy 39 4Portugal 4 5Germany 39 6Japan 13
Same City Trade ShowsMore
1Sports (Goods, Facilities & Services) 3 2Automobiles(incl. Parts, Machinery) 0 3Education & Training 1 4General Exhibition 1 5Optics, Optical Instruments, Laser 0 6Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery Products 1
Net exhibition space
12019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 22019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 32019 Shanghai baking exhibition 4Shanghai international wine exhibition 2019 5Shanghai nutrition and health food exhibition 2019 6Shanghai international food and beverage fair 2019 7The 19th China Guangzhou International Food Exhibition & Import Food Exhibition 2019
Exhibitor figures
1FRUIT LOGISTICA 2020 2Tallinn FoodFest 2019 3 ProWein 2019 4BIOFACH + VIVANESS 2020 52019 Shanghai international import and export food and beverage exhibition 62019 Shanghai international confectionery leisure snack exhibition 72019 Shanghai baking exhibition
Visitor figures
1SIAM 2019 2EXPOCRUZ 2020 3Internationale Grüne Woche Berlin 2020 4CATF - China Agricultural Trade Fair 20189 5China (Xiamen) International Tea Industry Fair 2018 6China (Xiamen) International Tea Industry Fair (Spring Edition) 2019 7Foire de Libramont 2019
Present journalists
1SUGAR THAILAND 2019 2China shenyang sugar and wine food exhibition 2019 32019SME 4The100th China Food And Drinks Fair  5China(Xi’an) International Food exhibition 2019 62019 Nanjing, China, the 9th Fertilizer and Pesticides Agricultural Resources Association 72019 INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE EXHIBITON OF BEIJING